Lizard Key Books

Publishing books by Mark Marchetti, Lizard Key Books has published the following novels in paperback and eBook formats:

Lizard Key

Lizard Key

Published in 2012, Lizard Key reveals the tale of a teenage smuggler of Mayan artifacts, a Nazi Admiral fleeing Germany at the end of World War II, stolen gold, a lost submarine, a beautiful woman seeking revenge, a corrupt United States Senator, a Neo Nazi terrorist publisher, a Voodoo priestess, and a modern day pirate.

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Texas Jack, a novel by Mark Marchetti

Texas Jack

Published in 2013, Texas Jack is the historical story of a Civil War hero of the Confederacy, considered a war criminal by many in the North, and his return to Texas 10 years hence. Wanting only to finally return home and put the war behind him, Jack finds that trouble is waiting… and putting the war and his reputation behind him will not be easy.

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Black Bart's Treasure

Black Bart’s Treasure

Black Bart Roberts was one of the most successful pirates during the golden age of piracy. Unlike most pirates of his era who lived in the moment, Black Bart had planned to retire from piracy and had a plan. His treasure had been hidden away in various locations to fund his retirement years. Unfortunately for Black Bart, the English Navy caught up to him and killed him before he could put his retirement plan into action… leaving much of his treasure unclaimed.

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Face the Lion by Mark Marchetti

Face the Lion

Coming of age as a young Maasai in Africa required a series of rituals, followed up by an act of extreme courage. If you were successful and didn’t die in the process you became a Maasai warrior earning the respect of the tribe. This was the practice for centuries. It was not questioned as right or wrong but was the expected goal of every young boy.

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Lizard Key has also published the following children’s book:

The Story of Rocky the Rodeo Pony

Rocky the Rodeo Pony

After Rocky was born he discovered he was different from the other baby horses. He was different because he was an Appaloosa. The other horses teased Rocky because he was different and this made him sad. His mother told him that Appaloosa horses had a proud heritage and that someday he would do something special. When he grew up, Rocky heard about the rodeo and it sounded very exciting. More than anything, Rocky wanted to see a rodeo. This is the story of how Rocky did something special. This is the story of how Rocky got to be a rodeo pony.

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